Las Palabras Interrogativas

Interrogative words! We are moving rapido!
An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, when, where, who, whom, why, and how. These are essential questions to know in any language!

¿Qué? what
¿Quién? / ¿Quiénes? who
¿Cuál? / ¿Cuáles? which one? (ones)
¿Cómo? how?
¿Cuándo? when?
¿Cuánto? (a / os / as) how much/many?
¿Dónde? where?
¿Por qué? why?

Día de Acción de Gracias

New vocabulario list coming your way!


El indio/El indígeno americano
El peregrino
Dar las gracias
El otoño
Día festivo
Los parientes
La familia
La festividad de la cosecha
El desfile
Estar agradecido por
La comida
La cena
El pavo
Gluglú gluglú
Trinchar el pavo
El cuchillo de trinchar
La cazuela
La cuchara de servir
La salsa de carne
El calabacín
El relleno
El puré de patatas
El maíz
La mazorca de maíz
Los arándanos rojos
El ñame
Las verduras
La mantequilla
El panecillo
El postre
El pastel/la tarta de calabaza
Ser delicioso
Las sobras
El fútbol americano

Dia De Los Muertos: TOMORROW

I am excited about tomorrows celebration of dia de los muertos! I have received most permission slips, however if you cannot find yours I will attach the doc below for you to print and send in ASAP.

Any food you bring in needs to have a list of ALL INGREDIENTS and MUST be approved at the front desk. If it is not approved, it cannot be served.

Dress your best and come ready to celebrate our families and loved ones who have died. I am excited to celebrate as a community!

Face Paint Permission Form

Dear Parent/Guardian,
As part of Día de los Muertos, Señora Oliver is requesting permission to paint the face with non-toxic face paint, if the child wants. Please sign and return the permission slip at the bottom of this form by Monday, 10/30/16, even if you would like to opt out.

Date: Wednesday or Thursday (depending on their class period), 11/01/17 and 11/02/17 for Día de los Muertos

Purpose: To immerse ourselves in the Mexican culture of Día de los Muertos and celebrate our families/heritage

Volunteer: If you would like to come in and help paint faces during class we would love to have you join us!


Save this part of the form for future reference.

Cut here——————————————————————————————————————Cut here
Sign this part of the form and return it to your child’s teacher.

_____________________________________________________ , my child,

Does Does Not (circle one) have permission get his/her face painted with washable, non-toxic face paints (if he/she wants) by the volunteers or Señora Oliver.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _____________________

Would you like to volunteer during your student’s class: ___________________________

What favorite family dish will you be sending (each student will have their food displayed with a small card explaining the dish) : _________________________________


This week we are reading, writing and animating in Spanish! We have a Spanish story about Gilberto that they needed to translate and correspond about. The story was 100% Spanish and they needed to figure out the plot. Each section of the story was broken up into boxes and they had to draw the scenario. The second section the students needed to answer questions about the story. This was their ¨brain break¨ because it was in English. Then they had to rewrite the story, while changing the major details in SPANISH! It was a tough activity but they rose to the challenge!

The work pages should can be found in your students Friday Folders. I am attaching images for your reference. It was a tricky task that took a full 2 class periods. But their hard work definitely paid off!

Los Adjetivos

Today we are diving into adjectivos! We began by looking at the words and trying to ¨decode.¨ A lot of the English adjectives are similar to Spanish. We took a lot of notes and we look forward to expanding our vocabulario!

I am attaching an image of the vocabulary list below for your review and curiosity 🙂

dia de los muertos

dia de los muertos : day of the dead

If your student has had me before you know what a HUGE deal dia de los muertos is! It is a day full of face painting, eating, dancing and celebrating life! It has been fun to talk about the many differences between day of the dead and Halloween. This year we are going to have a very LARGE dia de los muertos celebration! On top of face painting, students are invited to bring their favorite foods to class. I am also inviting students to bring in pictures of loved ones who have passed to place on our classroom ofrenda. Permission slips will be sent home next week!

I am attaching more information on dia de los muertos below so you can gain a better understanding of the cultural importance for dia de los muertos.

dia de los muertos:
Nov. 1 & 2

Day of the Dead is a holiday (or festival) when family members who have died are remembered. In Mexico, this festival is considered to be the most important holiday of the year.

It is a period full of life, happiness, color, food, family, and fun.

Outdoor markets sell many symbolic goods, such as special breads, flowers, pottery, baskets, candles, paper puppets, candy skulls, etc. The main symbols of this holiday are skulls and skeletons.

Sugar skulls represent a departed soul and honor the deceased.

Here is an educational video to help you gain a better understanding of the history and cultural significance of dia de los muertos:

cuaderno de trabajo

cuaderno de trabajo: workbook

This year in 3rd grade there is an large increase in reading and writing in Spanish! Each student is responsible for taking their own notes. Today we had a ¨note check.¨ We reviewed the information we already covered in class and played a review game of all learned vocabulary.

So far some of the topics we have covered are:
days of the week
greetings and introductions
body parts
school classes
capitals and countries of central and south america

Don´t forget, if you want your student to reach their capacity in the language they need MAXIMUM exposure! I posted an article about ways to bring Spanish into your home as well. Utilize your local libraries and online resources!

El Mes de la Herencia Hispana

El Mes de la Herencia Hispana : Hispanic Heritage Month

I am excited about moving forward with our current Spanish lessons on el horario escolar (the school schedule), dias de la semana, meses, el tiempo, numeros y mucho mas!

However we are also learning about Hispanic Heritage Month! Hispanic heritage is not something to be discussed only a month out of the year, we are everywhere all the time 🙂 Today in class we listened to a Telemundo newscast to see if they could understand what was being said. I was excited to hear several students have watched Telemundo at home! It is important for students to realize Spanish is not just in my classroom, it is EVERYWHERE!

We then watched a second video about immigration (Both video links below)
It sparked a contagious conversation about where I come from and the difference in cultures.
I assigned homework :
#1) Ask you parents about their heritage
#2) Ask your parents if there were any cultural differences among their heritage and their interactions at Quest and in the USA

As always, please reach out if you have any questions!

link #1)


Why is my child not fluent in Spanish?

Parents and educators understand the many benefits received by learning multiple languages. By beginning early, the K-5 students of Quest Academy will be prepared for the middle school curriculum, and later for the curriculum of high school.
Some parents have asked why their student is not fluent. This is a marvelous question that I would love to address so that you can reinforce language in your home as well!

Most classes have Spanish class 2x/week for 45 minutes. Once they leave my room they are back into an all English speaking environment. Most students have said they speak English at home so that limits all Spanish exposure to an hour and a half/week. The students here at Quest Academy make tremendous strides in language acquisition, but if it is not reinforced at home the target language time is limited therefore making it hard to become fluent.

I love that so many parents have reached out asking what they can do to reinforce the Spanish language and culture throughout their home. I have compiled a list below that I believe will help tremendously!

Here are some things you should do to bring Spanish into your home:
-Find a tandem partner to have free, regular conversation practice in an informal setting. As a bonus, they’ll probably come away with a new friend!
-Change the language of all electronic devices and social media sites to Spanish and you’ll both pick up new technology-related vocabulary without realizing.
-Make the most of free resources like newspapers and library publications, which are perfect for reading and translation practice.
-Watch Discovery Kids Latino, Disney Latino chances are any show your student likes has a Spanish version!