Bring Spanish Home!

Just a friendly reminder that I want to encourage you all to bring Spanish language and culture into your home! Perhaps have a family ¨date night¨ when you try a Latino restaurant and go home to watch a Spanish movie? Maybe you watch the movie CoCo or Ferdinand and talk about the cultural similarities and differences? Maybe try watching a few Spanish televised programs? Check out Telemundo for real world shows! I only have your students for 45 minutos, 2x/week! I wish I could see them everyday 🙁 If we do not bring language home, how can we expect fluency or fluid conversation and understanding?

Here are some things you should do to bring Spanish into your home:
-Find a tandem partner to have free, regular conversation practice in an informal setting. As a bonus, they’ll probably come away with a new friend!
-Change the language of all electronic devices and social media sites to Spanish.
-Make the most of free resources like newspapers and library publications, which are perfect for reading and translation practice.
-Watch Discovery Kids Latino, Disney Latino chances are any show your student likes has a Spanish version! I am attaching several links below for your reference.



This week we continued with our workbooks reviewing phrases, greetings and conversation points. We are now reviewing numbers and math vocabulary! Talk about cross curricular mayhem!

Tarea is pages 28&29. Due next class 🙂

5th: TAREA

5th grade workbooks have been handed out. The workbook is compiled of various curriculum from district 220 Middle Schools. I am excited to say students have been working through them furiously as they are excited about the new material.

Each week the students will have assigned homework in these workbooks. It is important that the students bring the workbooks back to class. They received their first homework assignment today. Pages, 13, 14 and 17. Please encourage your student to teach you what they are learning about and ensure the workbooks make it back to class. Each assignment is graded.

As always, it is a pleasure to teach your students. If you would like more updates on classroom and to see assigned homework each week, please subscribe to my blog:

5th grade: Wax Museum

Ask your student about the end of year project! More information to come soon 🙂

Here are some examples of speeches below for student reference.

5th grade doing 9th grade work!

5 grade has me very ORGULLOSA (proud)! They are hard at work conjugating AR, ER and IR (present tense) words! We are using a variety of learning tools to learn these conjugating!

We have been using songs, reading and writing to reinforce and solidify our learning. There have been several worksheets that have been sent home that we have used for class work as well as practice.

Please use all resources available to reinforce this learning at home! I am attaching several practice sites that can be used at home below 🙂

As always, please reach out if you have any questions.


We have learned AR present tense verb conjugation and now we are compounding! We are adding on ER and IR! I am attaching charts here for your review.

Your students also should have brought home their AR test. I also encourage students to reach out to me for study sessions if they were having a hard time. Please feel MORE THAN FREE to reach out to me if your student needs studying tips or a refresh on the material.

Image result for ar er ir

5th grade AR TEST!

AR present tense conjugating test this VIERNES (friday)!

Practice packets went home last Friday and they had to complete them for tarea (homework). Please take time to review with your student as this is heavily weighted exam.

I am attaching a few practice sites for your convenience.

Verb Drills