El Alfabeto/Prometo Lealtad

DOLPHINS/JELLYFISH are moving full steam ahead with reading and writing in Spanish! We reviewed the Spanish alphabet and then learned that there are special accents that make the words change accordingly!

We also tackled the pledge of allegiance! I am confident that by the end of the year they will have it memorized and sound like native speakers 🙂

Next class will be a scavenger hunt where we wander around the escuela looking for clues using our new vocabulario from last week!

I am attaching fotos for your convenience!


I am attaching fotos of our diligent work last week! The Kindergarten classes worked hard using their motor skills and using auditory comprehension to decipher what I was saying in Espanol. I spoke 100% in Spanish and the students deciphered what I said. It was definitely a challenge, but as siempre, they rose to the occasion 🙂

I am attaching pictures of their hard work that also went home in Friday folders 🙂

AfroLatino: El Mes de la Historia Afroamericana

We’ve been diving into febrero learning all about the afrolatino connection. Ask your students all about it!

In the lemur classroom we are wrapping up learning about the rain forest. It was a lot of cross curricular fun! The students learning extensive vocabulary and built on their existing knowledge of animals. I was able to talk to them about my experience in the Guatemalan rain forest and share the true story of my sister getting attacked by a mono.

In the Kindergarten classrooms we are diving into the Spanish alphabet. What letras make different sounds in English and Spanish? How many more letras are there in the Spanish alphabet? We’ve also begun spelling while using our “Spanish brains.”
For El día del amor y la amistad we did a fun activity figuring out how many sílabas were in the words.

1st grade is learning frutas while incorporating colors. We are also spelling in Spanish and doing matemáticas. We just finished a unit on organos internos. All students finished an extensive life size drawing of all partes del cuerpo, they worked hard so we hope you appreciate them!

2nd grade wrote very sweet cartas for El día del amor y la amistad for faculty and staff, 50/50 en espanol y ingles. They have also been hard at work researching for their end of year projects. More info on projects to come.

3rd and 4th are learning adjectives to build on their conjugating understanding. It has been difficult but they are persevering!
I will attach a list of adjectives below that they have been learning.

5th grade is learning adjectives, present tense conjugating, classroom objects and chores. We are also hard at work on our end of year projects.

I am working on separating my blog into grade sections so I can add pictures and videos specific to classes. As always, it is a pleasure to teach Quest estudiantes.

un poco de repaso

Los Días, Los Meses, y Las Estaciones:

Los días de la semana: – days of the week

el día: the day

el lunes Monday

el martes Tuesday

el miércoles Wednesday

el jueves Thursday

el viernes Friday

el sábado Saturday

el domingo Sunday

Las estaciones del año The seasons of the year

el verano Summer

el otoño Fall

el invierno Winter

la primavera Spring

Los meses del año: The months of the year
El mes The month

1) enero 7) julio

2) febrero 8) agosto

3) marzo 9) septiembre

4) abril 10) octubre

5) mayo 11) noviembre

6) junio 12) diciembre

What day of the week does a Hispanic calendar begin with?

Besides spelling, what do you notice about the days in Spanish?