Puedo escribir 100 palabras-3rd

Yesterday was the 100th day of school and we celebrated by writing 100 Spanish words! BY THEMSELVES! No assistance from myself or other classmates. It was fun to see the student reciting and writing vocabulario from the beginning of the year and singing songs to themselves trying to complete the 100 challenge!

We also challenged ourselves to write 100 adjectives and verbs! This was definitely the biggest challenge of the day, but we had a lot of fun “stretching our brains.”

As we move throughout the week we will be continuing to work on our entrevistas. Please be on the lookout for handouts about this project coming home in Friday folders.

As always, if you have any questions please reach out 🙂


This week we continue working in our workbooks. This week in particular we are focusing on syllables. We are using the syllables to add to our learned vocabulary. It has been fun watching the connections with all the vocabulario they have learned throughout the year! In addition to syllables, we are learning the importance of our accents. Depending on how we pronounce and spell a word, we can change the meaning entirely!

Ask them about ¨goodnight potato.¨

Workbooks will be shown during parent teacher conferences and sent home at the end of the year. We are continuing to expand our vocabulary and make sure we sound like our best Spanish speaker 🙂

As always, please reach out with any questions.


4th grade has been working fast y furioso studying AR, ER and IR Verbs. Our big assessment over these present tense conjugations will be next Friday the 16th! Study packets were passed out today in class and we will be completing and reviewing them in class.

Please reach out with any questions. More practice pages will be sent home this week and next.


We have been moving rapido y furioso through many units I have not had enough time to update you!

We are learning about chores, seasons, days of the week, months all while continuing to review past vocabulary of body parts, numbers, classroom objects and the alphabet. Accents have come a long way, and trabalenguas (tongue twisters) are our new favorite activity. Also, we have begun timing ourselves as we recite the pledge of allegiance, BY HEART, IN SPANISH!

It is always such a pleasure to teach your students. With their gifted minds eager to learn and their hungry hearts it has been a class full of energy and potential.

This week several worksheets will be making their way home, so be on the look out for their work 🙂

This week it is all about real world application of the language we have learned. We are applying Spanish to MATH! I am making them use all regions of their brains in this charger exercise! Again, worksheets will be sent home for you to get a glimpse into our classroom 🙂

Otters: Vocabulario de la clase


This week we continued with our regular vocabulary and also learned the materials in the classroom! We were able to label different items and areas of the room. Some of the vocabulary is listed below for your review 🙂

As always, it is a pleasure to teach your students! They never cease to amaze me with their retention and accents.

Pencil Lápiz
Table Mesa
Chair Silla
Desk Escritorio
Light Luz
Telephone Teléfono
Carpet Alfombra
Door Puerta
Window Ventana
Computer Computadora



This week we continued with our workbooks reviewing phrases, greetings and conversation points. We are now reviewing numbers and math vocabulary! Talk about cross curricular mayhem!

Tarea is pages 28&29. Due next class 🙂


We are finishing up a rather large unit on numbers, months, days and seasons! We are combining all of our newly learned vocabulario and creating our very own Calendarios!

These wonderful calendars will be making their way home very soon. My hope is that your student brings home the work and is able to read the calendar to you with fluency. I also hope they can open up to any given month and explain the various holidays and birthdays in Spanish.

Again, this has been a very LARGE unit and I have been “stretching their brains” a lot, but they continue to strive for excellence!

As always, it is a pleasure to teach your students 🙂


We started the week of FUERTE by bombarding ourselves with Spanish “input.” AKA listening to other native Spanish speakers. We watched videos of Spanish interviews of real life students and tried to follow along with the conversation. This is a great way of acclimating the students to accents that are different from my own. It was fascinating to hear the guesses of where students thought the people were from based on their accents. It was easy for most to distinguish between the Spanish accent, ask them why!

As we move forward this week we will continue to conjugate and listen to real world Spanish.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me!

¿Qué hora es?

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?

We kicked off the week diving into time telling! Of course, we are going to continue working through our workbooks but today was focused on time. (The students were disappointed there was no book work today) I am attaching a practice video below so you can learn along with your student.

Car ride questions:
When do you subtract time in Spanish?
How do you say, “o’clock” in Spanish?

5th: TAREA

5th grade workbooks have been handed out. The workbook is compiled of various curriculum from district 220 Middle Schools. I am excited to say students have been working through them furiously as they are excited about the new material.

Each week the students will have assigned homework in these workbooks. It is important that the students bring the workbooks back to class. They received their first homework assignment today. Pages, 13, 14 and 17. Please encourage your student to teach you what they are learning about and ensure the workbooks make it back to class. Each assignment is graded.

As always, it is a pleasure to teach your students. If you would like more updates on classroom and to see assigned homework each week, please subscribe to my blog: